Saturday, October 25, 2008

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

New Class and Upcoming Seminar

NEW CLASS starting October 11th, 2008.

    Sharon Fierro

    Will be teaching Introductory Wellness Qigong class on Saturdays from 9:30am - 10:30am. If you would like more information about Qigong and the related health benefits, please check out the website at


    “PUSH HANDS” is an exercise used to develop the skill of close range self-defense.

    Several exercises will be taught in this seminar. These specialized training techniques deal with methods of avoiding, connecting and neutralizing attacks and knowing how and when to release pushing power which symbolizes any other Tai Chi application.

    The basic requirement in Push Hand exercises is that the practitioner must be willing to work on being soft, relaxed and nimble bodied so that he/she can listen, interpret then react to the opponent's power.

    By practicing Push Hand exercises, one will better understand the opponent, themselves, the importance of correct alignment, being rooted, proper weight distribution, relaxation, lightness, roundness and agility.

    What is learned in Push Hands will lead one to perform Tai Chi Chuan better and increase ones well being.

    Anyone interested in the development of Tai Chi Chuan is encouraged to attend.

    SUNDAY, Nov. 16, 2008
    3:00 - 6:00pm
    FEE: $60.00