Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Wonderful Wasps: Everything you didn't know you wanted to know about wasps in your garden!

Friday June 24 at 8 pm
The Tai Chi Center of Chicago
4043 N. Ravenswood (Ring bell for 201)
Free parking on the street.

Eric R. Eaton, professional writer and entomologist and principal author of the Kaufman Field Guide to Insects of North America will give an illustrated talk about wasps, their role in the garden, and how you can enhance their nesting habitat (along with native solitary bees). He will also answer your questions about insects and bugs.

Check Eric out on line at


Bring your book for Eric to sign.
(no books will be sold at this event, so hurry and make sure to order your book online!)

This is a friendly neighborhood event with NO CHARGE but feel free to bring something to eat or drink to share and a folding chair if you have one.

ALSO... The Bullfrogs Community Choir will provide a musical treat.

Sponsored by The Tai Chi Center of Chicago - Sustainable Return.

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